Scam report (made a dumb mistake)

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Other Accounts | Genshin Impact Accounts Sale' started by /u/_tanujakeluskar, 2/28/25.

  1. /u/_tanujakeluskar

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    Lost a good acc of genshin and the only last I had for trade. I did a really dumb mistake of going without mm(cuz I didn't have any fee). They had given me the mail and pass first so I thought it would go well and I had checked the acc and it was legit true. And they didn't even log in through the deadlinks but through the mail...I had added recovery and also changed the password yet they were able to log in and I understood this when I received the notification that the recovery mail was removed... Sigh was a major loss for me..idk if it's right to post here but should have been careful now I am left with no proper acc i could use or trade.

    # #/_tanujakeluskar
    . .
    #1 /u/_tanujakeluskar, 2/28/25
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/1/25
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