Sold Sale off Strong PVP account and good in Pve

Discussion in 'Kings Raid Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by moonfall007, 1/25/22.

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  1. moonfall007

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    Hi Friends,

    This is one of rarely invested accounts for PVP content.
    The Pvp heroes is high rank in tier list, mostly hero stat is completed, strong artifact for main heroes...
    With this acc, just press play and training your skill in PVP time.

    *** Main artifacts:
    - Christmas Star 5*
    - Soul Spring water 5*
    - Angry Pumpkin 4*

    ***Main Heroes: Lucikiel, Scarlet, Kasel, Dark Kasel, Shamek, Cain, Isaiah, Ffrey, Shea
    ***Limited costume: Lucikiel (female costume), Isaiah, Kasel

    It is not only strong in Pvp but also do good in Pve:
    Galgo 8, Siege 8, Ascalon 9, shamek 9, all trial 10.

    Sale off price: $200 --> $150 by PayPal FNF
    Bonus: auto daily task soft.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:
    - Discord: Blackmoon#0371
    - Facebook.: Phong Nguyen | Facebook. (the avatar is Loman hero in Kings Raid)
    #1 moonfall007, 1/25/22
    Last edited: 1/25/22
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