Sold S851-S900 t10 research started,have stared panda,gt,sa,rm,ba,9 devil flower selling for what i spent

Discussion in 'The Ants Underground Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Noblesse Kadis, 6/14/23.

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  1. Noblesse Kadis

    Noblesse Kadis
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    Selling for as much as i spent on the account because i want to invest in İrl,never short for rss last 400m sand 400m wet soil,enough blue insect for a 8 star one,to achieve 10 star purple currently needs 1 more 6 star,got 9 star devil and 2 7 star orange insect,got 10 hard branches,all combat related evos and buildings maxed,vip13,got 3 farms can create a bit more,price slightly #,please ask for more information Screenshot_20230614_145148_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145214_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145225_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145230_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145249_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145307_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145422_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145442_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145636_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145817_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145840_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145917_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_150039_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_151938_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_152048_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_152057_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_152140_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_152144_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_152224_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20230614_145157_The Ants.jpg
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