Main PVP line-up: E3 Sigmund - with skin, Red Lotus Knight E1 Penny - with skin, Infinite Joy 9* Garuda 9* Ormus 8* Horus - going 9 just need 1 more 5* food 7* Asmodel Other heroes: 10* Heart Watcher 6* Aspen 6* DA L/D: Aida Belrain Carrie - with skin, Little Red Riding Hood Other details: Can complete Broken Spaces until Stage 4 - if you want you can finish Stage 5, reduces 3% life per smash Completed SL11 - Fortress Aspen Dungeon - Hell 11 Tower of Oblivion - Stage 530 For those interested, hit me up for screenshot requests and for faster transactions: email: [email protected] discord: jpdjramos#9988 payment through: PAYMAYA only
Update: Horus just got upgraded to 9* PS.: Correction for payment option, it is PAYPAL not PAYMAYA. Thank you.