Here we have my BIS account. Username: LunaSkye. I am rank 1 in the server on android and have put alot of work into this. VIP 13, growth pack included, 20,739 initiative and still in play. 140M + squad boss damage. I've been playing everyday for over a year and have easily spent over £2000 on amulets, events and characters. I have awakened weapons for alot of UR characters including the recent travel Halibel, White Ichigo, Stark, Sode, Barragan, Nel, VL ichigo and more including SR weapons. Which are all at Prismatic +6. I have orange heroic warsouls for most of the characters also and have all current characters unlocked. Spirit relics are all completed so far and I currently have over 100 spirit shards for when more updates come out, 40 omni shards, etc etc. If you need any more info just ask. Due to the time and funds put into this I am looking for alot of the money back hopefully but will also accept any decent offers. Asking price currently £500 GBP (683 USD)due to the time and money invested. Screenshots attached. PayPal payments accepted for both of our protection.