Selling  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) S500 9B power account IOS 400GBP

Discussion in 'Kingdom Guard Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ChiefKingo, 4/18/22.

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  1. ChiefKingo

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    Hello I’m looking to sell my account as I don’t care to play it anymore and don’t want to spend any more money.

    The account is on the server 508

    The account has multiple SSR heroes at star levels 1-4

    level 7 dragon with 5 gold armour pieces at lvl 7

    VIP level 10

    Multiple castle skins goblin and Easter perm skins

    I am top 5 on my server in the the top alliance (they will let you stay)

    pictures below if you want more let me know

    It is linked to my email but will transfer it to another email on sale It is not linked to Facebook.

    I am looking for £400 GBP for the account I have spent upwards of double this on the game.

    Attached Files:

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