Sold S47 183k Wind Team

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fespinosa, 10/10/21.

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  1. Fespinosa

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    Hello all.

    I am selling my Infinity Kingdom account due to a busy real life. I have a 183k main march wind team - Saladin, Barca, Qin, and Baldwin, and an almost level 37 wind dragon at 6/5/5. I also have a lv 25 water dragon at 7/7/7, and a lv 25 earth dragon at 6/6/6. Over 1 million total power, C40, good tech, VIP 11, in the top alliance on the server - S47. S47 is a solid server with three strong factions and a CoR rotation. $1,500 or best offer. Please contact for more info.
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