Selling  Android S41, VIP 12, 3.8M Power, 19K Gems, E5 Aspenx2, E5 Amen-Ra, E5 Belrain, E5 Aida, E5 Garuda

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JimPickens, 1/15/20.

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  1. JimPickens

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    My Location:
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    -VIP 12, Lvl 246 on S41 Android
    -19,100 gems
    -Artifacts- MSS, Punisher of Immortal Staffx2, Demon Bellx2, Lucky Candy Bar, Antlers Canex2, Kiss of Ghost and basically every F2P artifact on the game.
    -2 10* Food and 5 9* food and TONS of fodder. LOTS of L/D fodder.
    -17 copies of Penny, 13 copies of Sigmund, 6 Gustin, 7 Nakia, 5 DA, 1 Aspen, 1 Amen-Ra, 4 Aida, 3 Tara, 13 Asmodel, 12 Kroos, 6 HW, 4 Horus, 2 Unimax, 1627 5* Hero Shards and counting and lots of fodder once again.
    -Currently at 171 HS due to recent HS event and 88 PO due to recent event.
    -Tower level 624 (8th on server)
    -Always top 10 in arena and top 3 FTA.
    -I'm sure i'm missing a lot of stuff but this account is stacked. I am the guild leader for IdleGods and we win Guild Wars every week. I don't remember the last time we lost. 70+ win streak.

    MY LOSS IS YOUR GAIN!!! 921100 out of 1010394 to VIP 13.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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