WTS S4 League account Rank : S4 Male Sets ( Full sets ) : Pink GUy , Backstreet boy , Underway , Military Dominic , Pirate Ace , Vaction , Patrol Boy , Angel Padding x2 , Green underway , Rebelious set x2 , Burning Winter , Death impactor x2, water sports , hunter darten . Clock rabbit boy . Dark assassin , special waiter , Kung ** FIghter , Pirate costume Female sets ( Full sets ) : Punky Gal , Martial arts lady , Pirate custome , Hunter Damia , Lovely cook , Wicker Joker , Smart alice Weapons melee ( all fp ) : Metalic Dragon playerup.com . Flame katana .Tachyon iron boots , Crash storm bat , Lucifer PS , Crystal PS , Gate breaker , Tiachi Twinblade . Frying pan stormbat , Death playerup.com of skeleton . Assassin spy dagger x2 , Crow CS Rifles ( all fp ) : Aya Rifle . snowdrop dual magnum , Neospade submachine gun Guns ( all fp ) classic brust shotgun , golden revolver Heavy guns (all FP) : turret MK2 Snipers ( all fp ) : Dragonade . Singal railgun , Antique sharpshooter skills (perma) : +30 hp , wings of death , Block wall , Ice block wall , Anchoring pets (FP ) : storm rabbit . space rabbit x2 , capricornus pet normal pets : DJ Santa , Little Rudolph rare accesories ( santa cap and Winter color goggles ) A link with pics incase u wanna see the stuff There is also many good enchants on the account specialy for touchdown and melee players leave an offer or DM On on skype shadowcaptian . Discord Hamada Sama#1349
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