Sold S264, C25 + 14x C16 farms. T9 Cav + Gold gear. VIP3. 7 Workers. Immigration: 249-264

Discussion in 'Rise of Empires Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ireforce, 5/24/21.

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  1. Ireforce

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    Selling a good C25 in S264, with the option to receive 14x C16 farms along with the purchase for free.
    I'm selling the account due to lack of time.

    Main castle is Raider-class, and the farms is Traders.
    30 days of Royal Prestige active from current date: 24th May.

    Immigration range: 249-264

    If you have any questions about the account or want to discuss the price, feel free too send me a PM or contact me on Discord: Sag#0487

    Please see below for the most important information. Pictures will be attached.


    VIP3 just reached. VIP1 & 2 almost everything unlocked.
    RoC season 3 just finished. 48 Specialization points.

    7 Workers.

    Dragon Lv 49, almost 50.
    Siege Master Lv 86.

    Important items:
    Gems: 230K (~20-30k increase every day)
    Currently 113 Super tickets in inventory.
    1 Immigration permit.
    ~100k Courage Medals
    112x 100% CoP point boosts.
    51x Honor Bonus tickets.
    20x 50% march accelerators.
    20x 25% march accelerators.
    3045x Stationing Plans. (Town Hall currently Lv 20. 64/66 spots occupied.)
    1369x Defencive Components. (Fortress currently Lv 18.)

    T9 cav + Full golden gear.
    T8 footmen (49%) + 5/6 Orange, 1/6 golden gear. Mats to create 2-3 more gold pieces.
    T8 archers (50%) + 5/6 Orange, 1/6 golden gear. Mats to create 2-3 more gold pieces.
    Scavenger 5/6 golden 1/6 orange. Several golden hats for stamina reduction. (See photos)

    Tech progress:
    Zone com & conflict maxed.
    Cav maxed.
    Footman 49%
    Archer 62%
    Accessory production 94%
    Master warfare 4%
    Master defence 0%
    All remaining categories maxed.

    Fully maxed heroes:
    War Lord(S3 cav)
    Heaven's Justice
    North's Rage
    Demon Spear.

    Nearly maxed heroes:
    Dual Blades: All skills unlocked. 2 skills maxed.

    Awakened heroes:
    Roku Boshuten (S3 cav)
    Peace Bringer (S2 footman)
    The judge (S1 footman)
    El Zorro
    Rough Rider

    Seasonal heroes total list:
    Desert Storm (S4 footman)
    War Lord (S3 cav)
    Roku Boshuten (S3 cav)
    Inquisitor (S2 archer)
    Peace Bringer (S2 footman)
    The Immortal (S2 cav)
    Lion Heart (S1 cav)
    The Judge (S1 footman)

    Development heroes:
    Castle Builder: Skill 2, 4, 5, 6 maxed.
    The Merchant: Skill 2, 4 maxed.
    Plague doctor: Skill 2 & 3 in progress. Almost enough fragments for a new copy.
    Royal Drill Master: Skill 2 maxed. 1 copy + Almost enough fragments for a new copy.
    Drill Sergeant: Skill 2 in progress. 1 copy + Almost enough fragments for a new copy.
    Sir Roguelin: Skill 2 maxed.
    Guild Master: Skill 3 maxed.
    Lady Knight: Skill 2, 3 maxed.

    Important buildings:
    Supply station Lv 25
    Spy Agency Lv 16
    Raider's hall Lv 22
    Garrison Hall Lv 25
    Cavalry War room Lv 25
    Footmen War room Lv 25
    Archer War room Lv 23
    Class legion Training grounds Lv 25
    Alliance Hall Lv 25
    Town Hall Lv 20
    Fortress Lv 18
    Watch tower Lv 25
    Coal storage 3 , Lv 4
    Iron Storage 3, Lv 7
    Marble storage 3, Lv 4
    Food Storage 3, Lv 6
    Lumber Storage 3, Lv 6
    All Crystal Workshops Lv 25
    All Dragonite Workshops Lv 17
    All coal workshops Lv 25
    Gatherer's guild Lv 21
    Worker's guild Lv 17
    Blacksmith Lv 15
    All Medical tents Lv 17
    All Encampments Lv 23-24
    Dragon Shout temple Lv 25
    Black dragon lair Lv 20
    Red Dragon lair lv 11
    Dragon slayer Lv 19


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    #1 Ireforce, 5/24/21
    Last edited: 5/31/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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