Selling  High End S259+238 K37 M37 2.7b 750

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DemonCrowley, 7/24/22.

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  1. DemonCrowley

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    My Location:
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    Server 259 + 238 K 37 M 38 2.7B

    Main keep 37 and alt is included which is a k32 alt is set up pretty good has 5 purple koreans, martinus and minamoto.

    Main details:

    Buffs and debuffs are great for my size and I can share reports or screenshots of whatever. Please ask questions if you have any.
    About 5b gems and 4b rss but i play so It could go up and down. Has all duty generals, many great generals, pretty much the only good general I don't have yet is Surena, but I am using Phillip instead. Leo 3 is 6 star but now out of fragments. Enough Elise fragments to get to 8 star. Phillip almost 6 star. No minamoto fragments.

    Leo III - 7.1m
    Minamoto - 7.1m
    Elise - 6.2m
    Phillip - 5.2m
    Hannibal - 6.4m

    I have at least 3 pieces of each set of civ gear

    Main purple
    Gold China
    Gold Korean
    Purple Russian
    Purple Russian
    Blue Russian
    Blue Russian
    Blue Japan

    #1 DemonCrowley, 7/24/22
    Last edited: 7/27/22
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