Reason of selling: *need the money for medical purposes* I think I invested around 3000$ on this account. Server: S228 Vip: 8 and 11000 to Vip 9 Player lvl: 117 *will be more Celestial Island: High lvl with 15 Watch Tower etc arena: 4 times Top player in the arena and Always on top 10 Tower: lvl 381 | top 15 Monster: Snake lvl 90/90 | Max. Max. 10. 0 Coins: 43M+. easily gained everyday Gems: 2000K+. easily gained everyday Spirit: 108M+. easily gained everyday and so much more. Top Stones for best heroes. Limited Chinese New year Avatar Top Heroes equipment *ex rare assassin gears* Top Artifacts for best heroes. *rare orange and red* Hero list: - Heart Watcher: 9 stars | 3 extra 5 stars - Demon Hunter: 9 stars + Last Wish skin - Queen: 9 starts + Succubus skin *Limited - Iceblink: 9 starts + Raven skin *Limited | 1 extra 5 stars - Lutz: 9 starts + The Godfather skin *Limited | 2 extra 5 stars - Lord Balrog: 9 stars - Vesa: 8 stars - Michelle: 7 starts - Dark Arthindol: 7 stars - Ormus: 6 Stars - OD-01: 6 stars | 3 extra 5 stars - Kamath: 6 stars - Honor Guard: 6 stars - Baade: 6 stars | 1 extra 5 stars - Emily: 5 stars + Fractured Rose skin *Limited | 2 extra 5 stars - Faith Blade: 5 stars - Kroos: 5 stars - Skerei: 5 stars - Aidan: 5 stars + Wandring soul skin | 1 extra 5 stars - Flame Strike: 5 stars + Miss Storm skin - Miki: 5 stars | 1 extra 5 stars - Barea: 5 stars - Dominator: 5 stars - Groo: 5 stars - Sigmund: 5 stars | 1 extra 5 stars - Kharma: 5 stars - DivineSpirit: 5 stars - Fegan: 5 stars | 2 extra 5 stars - Darkspirit: 5 stars - Logan: 5 stars - Darkness Fanella 5 stars | 1 extra 5 stars - The Grey-eyed: 5 stars - Headstriker: 5 stars - Ent Elder: 5 stars - Liquor: 5 stars - Lamp: 5 stars - Gbagbo: 5 stars - Dragon Slayer: 5 stars - Field: 5 stars and 300+ 4 and 3 stars heroes. Ps: by the time you buy this.. I'm sure You'll have 4 heroes 10 stars.
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