Sold S1 Selling Accounts

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Velmoria16, 7/10/17.

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  1. Velmoria16

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    LK Main. +11 perk weapon, +9 AG armor. IBs: SS 3/3 combo (Sword,shade,buckler) AD, AA, TDI 2/3 combo (Wing & eye piece) RS 2/3 combo (Mini & Mono) EO 6/5 (hair & hat with 4/4) HAO 5/5 ( Hat) GL 5/5, RS 5/5. Individual pieces: NBS saber, ADvD hair, PG hair, SS hair, AA hair, DS hair, VAK hair, NBS 3/5( hair, glove, shoe) HL Wing, EO Cerem, VAK Wing. 4 pages of costumes. Notable accessories: Eltrion accessories, ereda accessories. Lots of S1 accessories like 1st anniversary coin which can sell for 1bil+.( sold 3 two years ago for 700mil each) Inventory slots mostly upgraded to the max. Bank slots upgraded to max. B Slot and trans. All PVP titles. Mounts: Raul's vessel, Jet ski and others. Pets: Beeho and others. Fetch aura on multiple pets. Other char items: NBS saber elesis, SS shade Lu, RS 3/4 combo raven ( Lance, Mini, Mono x2) AD wing Raven. Main's ign is short and clean and is worth about 5bil+

    Other Account is a Add LP With perk-Weapon +9
    Has alot of outfits and suits and pets
    Trans him and MM
    Has Reaper Title
    AdvD hair
    Eo 5/5
    RS 7/8
    Other ib Pieces for him
    Contact me on Skype Art5618 For my Info on both accounts
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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