Selling S> Tarlach Account 4.5k total

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jonathannguyen, 7/29/17.

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  1. jonathannguyen

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    Its a giant with 4.5k total and plenty of enchanted and reforged equipment. 14 pets. Grandmaster warrior, master mage, knight, carpenter, bard, fighter(slightly deranked to champion), and great ninja (deranked). Lvl 12 homestead with tons of herbs. Tons of gems to feed ego. R1 carp, rare mineralogy, mining, catering.

    Full Thames set 10/10 enhancement
    Vine Dexterity Helmet
    Sight Imp Body
    R1 3L Expansive Elegant Gauntlet (Chain Mastery Damage 4 lvl)
    Fleet Viscount Boots

    R1 3L Sight Avenger Valencia Giant Armor (Spinning Uppercut Damage 20 lvl, Giant Trans Duration 18 lvl)
    r1 3L Dexterity Tybalt Wig (Fusion Bolt 20 lvl)

    Nuadha Robe
    Violet Flame Wings

    Targe Shield
    Valkyrie Shield

    Enchanted Luck set

    Enchanted STR accessories

    R1 3L Secret Penetrating Knight Lance (Smash 19 lvl)
    R5 Eager Violet Anju Shuriken
    R2 2L Broad Axe Ego (Ice 3 lvl)
    S5 R2 3L Celtic Guardian Staff (Magic Attack 7 lvl, Casting Speed 7 lvl)
    R1 3L Electric Guitar (Playing Instrument 20 lvl)
    S6 R1 3L Fist Heavy Punch Champion Knuckle (Ice 5 lvl)

    Requesting $300 Paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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