Sold S/T > Spare Eve IBs

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheBomb4Life, 2/22/19.

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  1. TheBomb4Life

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    Hello ~ I'm trading some of my spare Eve IBs, or selling paypal or ed ~ My discord is Blurry#3301. WIlling to trade for Ara IBs.

    Eve IBs ~
    - Eve SS 2/3 [Weapon Saged 12% Max + Crit] b.o $50
    - Eve AA 2/3 [Crown + Wings] b.o $20
    - Eve DKA Hair b.o $25
    - Eve RMAM 4/4 [blue] b.o $15
    - Eve CM 4/4 b.o $15

    I'm looking to trade these for Ara IB or ED. The hoped for Ara IBs being:
    - Ara SS 2/3
    - Ara RM
    - Ara S. Ebalon Hair
    - Thanatos

    Also Buying ~

    - EO 5/5 (Hat]
    - VIG 5/5
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