Sold [S] SHIP 10 Account - 7 characters - Competitive gear - 100$ (#

Discussion in 'Phantasy Star Online 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by VenomousPetal, 11/24/18.

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  1. VenomousPetal

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    PSO2 JP Ship 10 Nauthiz Account
    JP Owner

    This account is ready for the latest quests and as well as for grinding meseta.
    - 7 Characters (1 Female cast, 4 female Dewmans, 2 female Humans)
    - Roughly about 10,000 hours of playtime overall.
    - Multiple mags. Some characters have single mags for a particular attack type.
    - 300 AC
    - Everything unlocked including expert title
    - 30+ Skill reset passes
    - 563 Star Gems
    - 4.2k FUN
    - 12* Range and Tech unit sets affixed for endgame
    - Lots of lobby actions (rare and exclusive ones too)
    - Lots of hairstyles, eye tickets, body paint, accessories to fulfill your cosplay cravings
    - Room is set up for photos

    Main Character info:
    - 3 mags (Strike/Tech/Range) all at level 200
    - Pets are affixed and set up for damage (Complete set of pets needed)
    - 2 Hunter trees, 1 Fighter tree, 1 Ranger tree, 1 Gunner tree, 3 Force trees, 4 Techer trees, 1 Braver tree, 1 Bouncer tree, 2 Summoner trees, 1 Hero tree
    - Tank and support build included
    - Harvesting skill at level 17 / Fishing at level 14
    - 80 Inventory slots
    - Character design is special and have been admired a lot in the Japanese community. Fine-tweaked by me
    - Level 85 cap unlocked

    Contact: Through PM here and then Discord
    Willing to personally livestream via Discord if buyer requests

    Payment option: PayPal only
    Reason for selling: I do not have the time to play the game any more. Been playing for 3+ years and I quit months ago.

    I could also provide help and professional advises regarding the game. As said in the title, I accept negotiations regarding price. However, please consider the time and money spent before asking.

    Thank you.
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  2. PlayerUp

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