Sold S> OS Kirito, Asuna & Silica | 2 w/ their 4* weapons. Endgame account

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by faynt, 3/9/17.

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  1. faynt

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    Server: ASIA
    OS Kirito - Heroic Promise R4
    OS Silica - Edge of Repent R4
    OS Asuna - No OS weapon - Brave Rapier R3 Equipped

    Various other 4* characters and weapons (see images)
    Hacking crystal count - 34

    Gold - 14
    Silver - 10
    Bronze - 10

    Other items:
    Rainbow Candybox x 2
    Rainbow Essence x 4

    Other Info:
    Haven't done any of the recent event quests...So more MD for you? XD



    PM me for offers :)
    USD/paypal only tho~
    Price: $135

    wechat: hey_faynt
    LINE: heyfaynt
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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