Sold S>Mainly Eve and some Aisha IBs

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by devinminute, 4/29/17.

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  1. devinminute

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    Hello, I'm quitting elsword so I'm selling my ibs for paypal cash. I don't want to put more money into this game, thus buyer will provide seals. My only other rule is that the buyer will always transfer the money via paypal first, then I will trade the items; don't try to fight me on this, I've been scammed way too many times while playing this game.

    Eve IBS
    -CM map+constellation B/O- 25$ each or 40$ for both
    -HU wings-35$
    -SE tiara- 20$
    -AA wings+crown B/O-30$ for wing, 20$ for crown or 45$ for both
    -PGG hair-20$

    Aisha IBs
    NBS staff-35$

    Currently have 2b ed for sale, B/O is 35$. ED:KC rates are currently 30:100, so 2b would normally cost you a little over 60$ so it's a pretty fair price.
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