Sold S> IOS Main Acc 53 SFs

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anonymous159, 6/11/17.

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  1. Anonymous159

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    The day has finally come, retiring from KnD and selling my main. It's a strong account, I've pushed t3 every raid since it's basically ftp for t3 raids. Here's a list of what's on it.
    F/W x2 / E/S / E/A / W/A / F/S EXCLUSIVES
    26/53 SFs are Plus versions
    T4 every element Pet
    Maxed Castle
    52million in gold
    Has some sets for certain armors
    Has a few Materials for new F/W Exclusive
    Close to crafting several SFs
    Most armors are maxed some need Silver coins
    Pretty OP account.

    If you're interested shoot me a message on Line App ID: zfur
    If you seem like a scammer I will ignore you, surprised how many idiotic scammers are actually out there. Must be an adult not some retarded kid who needs daddies money. I want this account to be in good hands since I worked my *** off getting it to where it is.
    I will not give or let you on the account till after payment, pay first or piss off.
    I have 1 serious buyer ATM. C/O $400 "current offer"
    I do accept payments weekly/monthly which after you finish paying the account is yours.
    Have a good day and thanks for the read.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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