[EDIT] Didn't list the Server and such, NA, Mount Try or w/e Not able to link what I have on the account, Oh and yes its only had the one owner, Me. I don't have the game on my computer anymore. Basic info from when I can remember is. Highest level 53. All The char spot are full Mess load of costumes, All female chars. Mixed between Elfs, Ellen and 1 castonic (Ignore my spelling forgot the names) Mess load of Weapon Skins. Highest chars class were Mystic 53 and Priest 49 I think (other levels went from 30 to ths 20's) Every character does constumes and weapon skins, A lot of other stuff... Looking for a buyer who is patient, can speak/understand english and can skype with voice(Mic) Asking Price -80$(?) USD *Lower more, Higher more?) -Will work it out when we speak- ((Honestly I have no idea about tera anymore. Have not played in years I am just trying to get rid of the account to get quick cash for a purchase on another game smite before their deal goes away)) The last thing I can remember doing on the game is patching it because the new class ( One with the sickles ) came out, I created one, played maybe 20mins, have not touched the game since. Correction everyone character has a comstume/wep skin besides the class with sickles. Contact me and we can work something out Side note: Sorry for the horrible post and everything XD If I don't make the sell before my smite deadline then I might actually get pics and stuff on my account