Sold S> Elsword Acount[NA]Chung +10 Void Elrian armor +9 Blue set & more

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chuy, 8/21/17.

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  1. Chuy

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    Hello send me whats app skype or discord if interested, whats app is the fatest way, I have 3 caped chars rena evee and chung
    chunf have full ib void wep+10 elriandore set +9 i can send pics by skype or discord, i sell by patpal i send elsowrd acount email and pass along whit secret answer so you guys can change the pass and email.

    Is to fund my uni :).

    Discord is Bene skype is bene if you guys cant find me send me your skype name by whats app
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