Selling S>[DN NA] Full +12 L Swordmaster + sub accounts + gold

Discussion in 'Dragon Nest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HSYfreedom, 7/18/16.

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  1. HSYfreedom

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    Main account: Asking for 500 dollars
    -Level 90 LK with +12 RDN L set (apart from Boots/Gloves at +10...I dont see the use of the +12ing those) (fully costumed+mounted, as well as majority 3rd/2nd stats on plates/talisman+Superb Limit Crest)
    -Level 90 GM with +6 L pieces (RDN L wraths will be provided if you want to finish up the set) with 3.5k FD (after RDN L rings) and unobtainable Fishing King Necklace (fully costumed+ mounted + superb destructive FD enhancement)
    -Level 90 Physician (fully costumed + mounted)
    -Level 24 Screamer w/ Purple Weapon Duo
    -21 other characters (includes a few lvl 90s + rest apple farms)

    Sub Account 1: Asking for 50 dollars
    -Level 90 Blade Dancer w/ Pegasus Mount + partially costumed + lots of NX usables
    -Level 60 DA
    -3 apple characters

    Sub Account 2: Asking for 130 dollars
    -10 level 90 (all ungeared, only 1 Raven is fully costumed + mounted), has multiple different classes
    -10 level apple characters

    Gold: Asking for 160gold = 1 dollar USD (or 100 dollars for the full 15000g)
    Currently have 15000g in stock.

    Negotiations welcomed (especially for multiple purchase).

    Please contact me via :
    Email: [email protected]
    Discord: HSYfreedom #1433
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