Sold S> DFO Account

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by prey1800077, 8/27/17.

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  1. prey1800077

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    I am just trying to quit DFO and sell my account away.
    Here are account descriptions:
    - 32 Characters with level 85+
    - 3 characters with epic sets
    - M Launcher: 5/5 Radiant, 3/3 5 senses, Giant Cannon Urban/Savior's Glory Hand Cannon
    - M Grappler: 5/5 Crow Day, 3/3 Cold Princess, 2/3 5 senses, Primary Impaction
    - Hades: 5/5 Spider Queen Set, 3/3 Sky set, Savior's Glory Claw
    - Level 85 epic fragments mostly at 100%. Some are still at 99% but most are at 100% meaning you can just craft an epic set on any character and I have 32 characters so you have huuuuuuge options.
    - 3.6k vit sader
    - 7 Character with Savior's Glory Weapons.
    - Sader has Savior's Glory totem and battle axe with 18 souls for cross purchase
    - M Grappler has Savior's Glory Claw and Tonfa and 16 souls for gauntlet purchase
    - Soul Bender has Savior's Glory Zanbato and Short Sword as well as 13 souls and 2 anton accessory pieces meaning you can upgrade the pieces.
    - Level 90 epic fragments around 50% to 70%
    - 9 to 10 Anton Raid Ready Characters
    - 4 characters are Luke Raid Ready Characters.
    -Other alts are also decently geared such as MMech: savior's glory bowgun + metal line 3/5 as well as hella epics in the safe and much more alts with epics

    I have screenshots of every description I have just written. If you just want photos just send me a mail through this website or text at 703-859-2998 or send message through skype: kevin1800077 or reply to this thread. Just send me the price you want to buy to work out a deal or just ask for more pictures and I will gladly provide you with any information that I could

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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