Selling S> Cheap Vindictus Account 80$ NA EAST Lv85 5x

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ShurioR, 12/10/16.

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  1. ShurioR

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    I Have 7 Chars on This Account
    Lv87 Arisha Maxed Skills Nice Outfits and Lv80 Gear 19k M.Attk
    Lv85 Lynn Maxed Skilled Panda Outfit and Princess Outfit from Event Lv80 Gear 17.9k Attk
    Lv85 Kai Just have gear from 90 Event which is the free lv80 gear
    Lv85 Hurk 16.9k Attack Has Gear from 90 Event but sword is not free gear Arma Sword Can easily get up to 18k
    Lv85 Lann Just Free Gear from 90 Event
    Lv75 Vella TS has gear from 90 event which is the 70 area stopped playing after
    Theres a Delia/Sylas/and Evie that i just started for the premium slots
    Delia has a Outfitter/Inner
    I will meet you in game or provide screen shots
    Skype - gosuisme
    Looking For Serious Inquiries
    I dont have the time like i had before to play on the account because, i am currently in college and currently working on getting my official license as a Phlebotomist.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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