Hi im selling Many good'ys IN (Cabal US Mercury Server) Armor: OSM Battle Suit +6 (+50hp)(+50hp) OSM Battle Suit +6 (+2 Auto heal)(+7% Magic Skill Amp) OSM BattleHelm +6 (Crit Dmg Inc 10%)(Crit Dmg Inc 10%) OSM BattleBoots +5 (+50hp)(+50hp) OSM BattleGloves of Guard +5 Deff Rate +100 (+2 Attack)(+50 Attack Rate) Weapons: Forcium Orb +4 (+50 Attack Rate) Topaz Orb +5 (Crit Dmg Inc 10%) Topaz Orb +5 Topaz Orb +4 Topaz Crystal +5 Misc: EoG+6 x2 55,000,000+ Alz (Soon To Add More) 200,000+ Honor Soon also lvl 135(FA) Duel Transender (Acc1) and lvl 111 Warrior Transender/A-Expert (ACC 2) Selling For USD Via-PayPal PM me or lave offer bellow so we can work sumthing out Bumpy Contact me: *msn* sacred3949 *yahoo* Hi, how much will u sell for forcium orb? can you contact me at Thanks