S> Aruarose Zuly for cheap

Discussion in 'Rose Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hebarn Server (HIGH RATE)

    1billion zuly = $100

    500million zuly = $60

    100mil zuly = $15

    i've got around 5billion in zuly, potentially 10bil if i sell all my junk

    additionally, i got really good equipment(scout/raider), grade 7 gems, Lv200weps

    also my lvl 200cleric is also for sale, it has full t7 set (500+ int) [offer]

    please add my email ***************************************************** to make a deal or an offer

    I added you on msn to ask some questions.

    if someone trustworthy confirms this person is legit id be interested
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