Sold S> Account with over 100 5*, only $200. (Spent $1400!) VIP7

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bl0odyblade, 6/27/17.

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  1. bl0odyblade

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    Top account in my server until most recent update. Still in top 10 (All of which are in my guild)
    VIP 7 (28.2k until VIP8)
    2 8* Heroes and enough fodder to make 3 other 8* (Was just waiting to get the right heroes)
    Leader of best guild in server, always top 5 in guild war
    My main team is 200k power, top guy on server is only 300k (in my guild)
    Invested nearly 100% of guild coins in guild tech
    Over 20k guild coins ready to be spent
    Monster lv 46 with 2nd skill almost maxed
    All orange equips for first team.

    Main team:
    8* Iceblink
    8* Queen
    7* Groo
    6* Dominator / Lutz
    5* Rosa
    (Also swap in 5* walter, flamestrike, or iceblink based on need)

    Lots of fodder ready to upgrade a lot of heroes

    PM me offers here, I still play daily but am looking to quit. Just can't afford it anymore.
    You can add me on line also: Line ID: -l3gend-

    I spent about $1400 on this and only want $200. The value is ridiculous, $200 spent in game gets you MAYBE 3-4 5* heroes, this is equivalent to over 100 plus all the other things added.

    On android OS.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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