S>account Lvl 74 sorc 60 sezs over 30k lens proof of monarch + ashtal proof of destroyer + ashtal 2 spirals 1 with ashtal 1 with stamina lvl 3 no realm no uniques Lvl 71 scion - Orbiter full realm +8 elite 6%crit weps no uniques various wc items various realms lvl 40 knight no realm no uniques some wc items Over 100m in gold Over 200m in stones in bank ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not trading for anything related to archlord - im quiting the game for good T>this account for 3 mounts in "Atlantica Online" golem or higher or 1k atlas ores (100$). Account comes with email If you want to pm me - IGN 4 ao:F1N4LF4NT4SY : MACEDON server ------------------------------------------ Pictures can be viewed at these links as well i56.tinypic/2rfu5mt.png i55.tinypic/xeg60o.png i55.tinypic/ml4mjq.png i54.tinypic/29yqrr5.png i52.tinypic/2hs16x0.png i54.tinypic/28w0ww5.png EU2 WTS REALMS UNIQS ORE WHOLE CHAR hi ok this is all on sylvia and now i wanna sell it enjoy my shop ^.^ mage lvl 80 blode 7% resi biglos lvl1 cloack ewan skirt 9% bonus resi 3/3 lvl5 stone + ashtal ice amor 3/4 lvl5 stones ewan armpads 2% bonus cast 2/2 ashtall union neck lv1 wings proof of monarch + proof of destroyer swash lvl 71 karkaen neck 1/1 ashtal jerman amor lv3 stones camian trousers 8% bonus resi 2/2 lvl 5 / lv4 stoend Other Realms Exceen armpads 10% bonus AS Gilliwen Shirt 12& bonus sb Kildemor amor 8% bonus sb camian amor 12% hp bonus archer boots 10/11/12% bonus move nearly full ranger ice set and yeah some other cf realms without best stats pls pm me offer in scrolls ore scroll + gold and yeah if you want to buy whole char pm me i give more info about cc weapons etc ore make video Little Price Check EU2 Wanne know how much worth my acc is with Archer lvl 71/ Hunter lvl 62 and Zerk lvl 72 Archer 2x Shuta both with 7% resi Kark with lvl 2 ele cloak Elite Cap - all stats 28- scion prayer Amor Of Riley-10%hp,6%cast,10%resi Armpads of Mars- 3%bonus cast- 2x scion prayer Pants of Robindole- 7% bonus resi- lvl 4 resi and sb and scion prayer Elite Boots - 12% mv speed, good yellows-2x scion prayer nice lvl 71 Bow 3scions left -lots of cc like 3x toa 100% , i think 70k lens and 25klens+ and much more Hunter Very Nice Realms -No Unices anymore - few cc in bag Zerk Very Nice Realms too -Union Neck lvl 1 cloak -Proof of Monarch 7% resi -few cc in bag around 30mio on each Char price check in Euros / maybe other chars (good knight,swash) [ARCHON] WTS Intel Ohkeros WTS Intel Ohkeros and Intel gaudius for scrolls /w Nocturnus with offers plz or pm me EU3/URZARK WTS SORC BG KILT