S> a lv 49 with A LOT of items for $$ or...?

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    S> a lv 49 with A LOT of items for $$ or a high lv game accounts from other games? offer? o_OI can provide more pics so just ask o-o

    pft turns out I have stalkers or something I show pics once I verify that your really paying

    Must be a good offer

    I can also trade for other rumble fighter accounts ONLY If it has last year event items.

    I don't need sore loosers that got # to comment thread k thx.

    how much $ u want for it?

    what about me buying it for $100 ???

    Deal or No deal

    Rofl Recognize.. Kevin I reported you to OGP already so get ready to get banned :P ~Anesti :P

    If you can ban people from pics of invent so many people would been ban already NT NT GG

    and offer*

    btw anesti you aint 1337 ur just a looser that got # and crying on a # forums to help you


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