Eve: +11 Rosso Wep- nearly perfect mystic stones Elrianode :+10 top : +2 a/a , 2x 3% crt damage, Elrianode :+10 #: +2 matk , 3x 3% crt damage Elrianode :+10 gkove: 5*e glove , 3x 3% crt damage Elrianode +9 shoes: 10% mp cost, 2x 3% crt damage has 12-5 Accesory and 3 blazing crystals Misc: IBs: 4/5 HL (no hair ) + RF hair 3 ERP pages Title: Guardian of Elrianode, Dark Graze High ERP level DM for Discord if you require more information b/o: 500$