K I'm back selling more zullies. Each 1b is $60. Interested buyers can email me at ***************************************************** If you are interested in knowing my method of selling...read up on my past post and you will get a better idea. ***************************************************** Thanks all, added you... and you're never online. Originally Posted by WubsROSE added you... and you're never online. not sure what u mean by "added you". Email me. ***************************************************** beware of wubrose aznphoboi pfff... love you. i've paid the fukin love you 175usd and stills got banned so **** and dont talk about what you dont know. tbh i bet arua rose GM earner some of my money from the zulie seller. GM was totaly on his side. pffff. Well the GM was DankMaster or whatever. Originally Posted by WubsROSE pfff... love you. i've paid the fukin love you 175usd and stills got banned so **** and dont talk about what you dont know. tbh i bet arua rose GM earner some of my money from the zulie seller. GM was totaly on his side. pffff. Well the GM was DankMaster or whatever. is that not you? now go make yourself another account, ya?