Sold Russian acc

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by Elhan1996M, 11/26/22.

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  1. Elhan1996M

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    I sell a great account (European Server).
    BATTLES - 26000, VICTORIES - %62, PERSONAL RATING - 11300, WN8-3700
    Top account, almost all tenth levels, on most 3 marks, 3 tanks from the global map!
    Many promotional tanks of level 9, about 15 premium tanks of level 8. There is a lot of equipment, all tanks are + in stock!
    Auction tanks: Object 260, Object 907, T95E6, AMX 50 Foch (155), T95/FV4201 Chieft, T 55A, Kampfpanzer 50 t, Object 777 Version II, AE Phase I, Char Futur 4
    Tier 10 tanks: Bat.-Châtillon 25 t, FV4005 Stage II, Panhard EBR 105, Object 140, AMX 13 105, M48A5 Patton, Grille 15, TVP T 50/51, IS-7, T-100 LT, Progetto M40, T57 Heavy Tank, Object 277, WZ-111 model 5A, AMX 50 B, T-62A, Manticore, XM551 Sheridan, Leopard 1, T110E4, Strv 103B, STB-1, Super Conqueror, K-91, 113, Object 430U, Object 261, Conqueror Gun, 60TP Lewandowski, Jagdpanzer E 100, UDES 15/16, CS-63
    Tier 8 premium tanks:
    Rheinmetall Skorpion, Panhard EBR 75, SU-130PM, Somua SM, T26E5, STA-2, ELC EVEN 90, Kanonenjagdpanzer, T92, HWK 30, T-34-3, Bat.-Châtillon Bour, Lorraine 40 t, T-44 -100 Igrovoy, WZ-120-1G FT, Strv 81, AMX Canon d'assaut, FV4202, T-54 first prototype, EMIL 1951, TS-5, Löwe, Schwarzpanzer 58, Caernarvon Action X

    Approximately 60 million worth of equipment!
    5,000 gold! 45,000 bonds! about 4 million silver
    A lot of tanks have 3 marks.
    Completely rebind your account (mail and phone number). I give you receipts. I give the login of my native mail. I give information in which city the account was created, what was the provider. I will give information from which devices the inputs were (laptop, computer and phone).
    Well, and the rest of the information that is useful to you, so that in case of any problems you can easily prove that the account belongs to you.

    Write me to:
    WhatsApp: +48723317224
    Email: [email protected]

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