Selling  Level 90-100  Total Level 1000-1500 Runescape accounts

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Landan Jennings, 11/4/20.

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  1. Landan Jennings

    Landan Jennings
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    I have 2 accounts 1 old school and one rs3. Selling both together for only $50. But one is 89 combat other is 95 the 95 has 80 att 80 str 72 def 76 hp and all other skills r all above 20 most r 50s an up on the 95 acc. The 89 is old school and it has 75 att 72 strength 70 def 74 hp and 50 slayer and has slayer helm 87 and 86 quest points on them and alot of other high skills. 0 gold but 50 takes both thanks

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