Selling Runes of magic gold // Server: Isiltir // €0.80 p/m // 10% # on 10M+ order

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/10/15.

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  1. Games

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    Price per mil: €0.80
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    Thanks for looking into this post. Currently I am trying to make an extra buck by selling safe(unlike most Chinese companies) rom gold on server Isiltir(NL).

    My current stock is about 30mil at the moment.

    Price per mil: €0.80

    On top of that I am willing to give a 10% # for orders of or above 10M.
    ( 15M would be €10.8 )

    Eventually I hope to sell rom gold on other servers as well. Right now I am just checking the demand vs supply rate on server Isiltir, as well as rom in general.

    If you are interested, or in case you have questions/suggestions, feel free to either PM me or contact me on [email protected]

    Thank you,

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