Selling Runes of magic fresh boosted accounts // lvl 20(5$)-50(50$) // EU/DE/NL servers /

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/10/15.

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  1. Games

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    Like the title says, I'm selling freshly boosted accounts on all EU/NL/DE servers.
    Also boosting your current account/character on demand. Keep in mind that all the boosted accounts are completely naked, however, to compensate, each account comes with a 250.000g in their pocket. I have all classes & class combi's in stock. If for some reason a certain class isn't in stock that specific class will be boosted right away.

    My prices are as following:

    A level 20/20(+250k $) account ( all servers ) - 5$
    A level 30/30(+250k $) account ( all servers ) - 15$
    A level 40/40(+250k $) account ( all servers ) - 30$
    A level 50/50(+250k $) account ( all servers ) - 50$

    Also selling gold:
    Currently I am also selling tons of ROM gold on server Isiltir and Smacht ( expanding to other servers ) with a price of €0.80 and a # of 10% on orders above €10. You'll have minimal risk buying from me unlike most Chinese companies.

    In case you are interested in either the accounts or gold, feel free to leave a PM or mail me on [email protected].
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