Selling Runes of Magic Account ~US-Artemis~

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/10/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have 2 account's that I do not use anymore and would like to sell them. This is my first sale ever on . So I understand your concerns about scamming. That's why we will use OMM (Official Middle Man) for this transaction. I will accept PayPal for this. Thank You.
    1. R/S LvL 60/31 ~ Stripped.

    Comes with Permanent 2 Seat Mount (399diamonds)
    Comes with ton's of Advance Pack Items (Usually sell for 2.5mil each)
    Comes with 3 House Maids (2.5mil +)
    Comes with Adv Reset Stone (So you can choose what skill tree you would like)

    Will come with full info. Also I will provide Pics and all the info if your interested.

    2. M/P LvL 56/41 ~ Stripped.

    Comes with Permanent 2 Seat Mount (399diamonds)
    Comes with ton's of Advance Pack Items (Usually sell for 2.5mil each)
    Comes with Permanent Bag Pack III space.

    Will come with full info. Also I will provide Pics and all the info if your interested.

    If interested I will add Gold for you to start with for little extra cash.

    Both of these accounts are active and never been banned before. I have spend over $100 bucks on these account just for the Cash Shop Items. But I am willing to sell them cheap.

    Once again we will use OMM for this transaction. Since this is my first sale on this site.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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