Selling Runes of Magic Account Forsale over 3,000 diamonds in upgrades and equipment

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Due to not having time to play as I have other games which I am spending more time on selling my runes of magic account.

    Character is on pvp server and comes with a great deal of stuff. 2 Story house equipped with all crafting machines as well as 2 maids which cost 800,000 gold.

    Comes with 2 player mount and has a very good reputation.

    Comes with 300 dias and purchased over 3000 diamonds alone making the house as well as character well equipped.

    Thought I would have time to play but have been spending more time leveling characters from wow so characters are only 23/24 rogue/mage so willing to take half of what i spent .

    Spent over 400.00 rl cash thinking I would be spending a great ammount of time but aion has been taking all my time.

    Have any questions send me through pm and basically looking for getting back half of what I spent in diamonds. This is a great starter account for someone who has the time or also has a character on the pvp server already .

    Will only accept paypal and from repped players as well.

    ---------- Post added 09-12-2011 at 02:12 PM ----------

    Been offered 35 and 40 for the account. Will take the first 60.00 for the account or a aion/wow account as trade.


    Bump lowered to 45

    bump 35

    have an aion accnt with lvl 47 temp and lots of other under 20 toons, money + items on accnt total is around 25m-30m kinah... accnt is active with 29 days of gametime left, its on US servers...... let me know if u r interested......
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