First and foremost, I should thank Fovea. I already had an idea on what to do to make a multi-client, but he confirmed my ideas, saving me from having to do crap I didn't have to do. Anyway, to use this, just extract it to your Rumble Fighter folder. (Default path should be "C:Program FilesOGPlanetRumbleFighter") UPDATE: I've included my own launcher to use instead of RF's. Simply extract everything to your rumble directory, and use my launcher instead. You can use my launcher + client to open as many RF's as you want. Remember, your computer can only handle so much. MAKE SURE YOU LOOK AT THE NEW NOTICE I ADDED! (The thing that loads up in RF after the RF Intro) ***************************************************** Note: If anyone has an objection to this being released, let me know in a kind manner with valid reason, and I'll remove it. ***************************************************** Enjoy! -Cloud NOTE: THIS MULTI-CLIENT IS OUT-DATED! PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE RFHU AND DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION USING THAT APPLICATION! What's the purpose of multi-clienting in rf? :l Besides carat farming which the zombie bot takes care of. ^ You can beat your own love you and get experience. ^zombie bot gives you a ton of experience anyways...:P Awesome. Never figured out how to do this. Now I can multi-bot Level 6 packages. Originally Posted by aznguy212 ^zombie bot gives you a ton of experience anyways...:P I personally used to use it to solo boss mode and still be able to get boxes xD then sell the boxes on my two level 6 noobs and gift keys to my main 8D Needless to say, I don't have to do that anymore, but I still use it to get boxes on bossmode without having to play with anyone else xD Also, did anyone look at the new notice? 8D xD EDIT: I've received a PM from a respected member of this section requesting the removal of the Multi-client. I wish to respect his request. The download link will be removed later tonight. From then on, if you wish to receive the multi-client, you'll have to contact me personally and request it. I won't be giving it out so freely once the download is removed. -Cloud hmm....I can't seem to get it to work correctly...It disconnects the first one when I try to log on to it again ^ Are you trying to log into the same account? You need multiple accounts to run multiple RF's I knew EDIT: Oh also, I don't seem to see the new "notice" you were speaking of. Originally Posted by AzureLightPKK I knew EDIT: Oh also, I don't seem to see the new "notice" you were speaking of. The thing that shows the newest update? Like it should be advertising hitman now, or something. I changed it to something else.