Selling Rumble Fighter Level 46 Rare Filled account.

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aier, 8/24/17.

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  1. Aier

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    Level: 46

    Classes: Striker (M) & (F), Soul Fighter (M), Elementalist (M) & (F), Alchemist (M) & (F), Android (F).

    Scrolls (Perm): Abyss, Abyss BF LE, Another Avenger, Another Infinite Ninjitsu, Another Serpent, Eagle Claw, Electro, Gentleman, Hitman, Krav Maga, Liberty, Limen Baguazhang, Muay Boran, Muscle Buster, Mystic Arts, Pencak Silat, Red Rock Ninjustu, Redemption, Shaolin Crane, Shidokan, Taekwondo SE, Tempest, Tengoryu Karate, Tongbeiquan, White Fang, Zin Taekwondo. A couple of temps.

    Exocores (Perm): Aquarius, Dark Power, Dark Slayer, Gaiters Of Kris, Golden Magic Stick, Katanas of Darkness, Relentless Mace, Snowman BFE, Tactical Bow, Ninja Spirit, HG-A1. A couple of temp rare Exos.

    Clothing: 25 Hats, 9 Rare. 13 Eyes. 2 Noses. 7 Mouths 1 Rare. 23 Shirts, 6 Rare. 26 Pants, 7 Rare. 19 Gloves, 3 Rare. 20 Shoes, 2 Rare. Over 100 Accessories (about 25+ rares got lazy).

    Notable accessories: 200 Cupid Wings AND Perm, 200 Dark Phoenix Wings, Over 300 GA-0 Wings, 97 Sejul Radial, Tempest, 30 Unknown Gravestones, 98 Valentine Lollipops.

    Etc: 20 ARM Gems, 22 STR Gems, 19 SPD Gems, 26 SP Gems, 10 JMP Gems, 28 Health Gems.

    Avalon Driver: Golden Hand B-Rank, Enhance Skill Attack A-Rank, Power of Gemstone CRI A-Rank, Power of Gemstone SP B-Rank, High Tention STR B-Rank, Practical Rest A-Rank, High Tention CRI B-Rank, Power of Gemstone CRI B-Rank, Power of Gemstone LUC C-Rank, Power of Gemstone LUC C-Rank, Power of Gemstone LUC A-Rank, Enhance Rising attack A-Rank.

    All installed currently. Some items are gemmed, some bm equipment perm. Can provide screenshots and other methods of proof.

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