I think this is beast!! If you have seen it, Dun flame ;D Just wanted to share this with you. I want this to be a real anime I'm bored. You know, I thought this was made by the gemfighter people> 1 word awesome. If rumble fighter had an anime then i would watch it. Who wouldn't watch it, it would be tight There already IS a anime like this. Full Metal Alchemist. Go google it .-. That Show Was A Real Anime-But Was Never Aired on TV [Don't Know Why] Eventually this Anime Was Transformed Into Gem Fighter - After Licenses, Agreements, and Other Crap Were Made For It, Gem Fighter Was Turned into Rumble Fighter [Before It Was Even Released in The US]. (in Other Words Of The Statement Above: Gem Fighter Had RF In Mind Before RF Was Made Public in The US - Which Is Why There Are American Symbols Instead of Korean Symbols In Rumble Fighter and Gem Fighter-, While Gem Fighter Kept Its Originality I.E. "??, ??,??" Etc. Etc. xD this anime. . . i dont watch anime much anymore, but this would be one of my top 5 o.o Zen Dude Please Stop Capilizing Every Word You Say! Please, And Thank You Originally Posted by babyhead8734 Zen Dude Please Stop Capilizing Every Word You Say! Please, And Thank You Let him type the way he wishes. I doubt the story would have any originality. A team of rumble fighters try to kill Sejul/Typhoon? Meh..I'll pass. I've seen this like 1 year ago or so