Selling [RS3] Selling my old runescape account. He's level...

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Steve Vang, 1/29/14.

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  1. Steve Vang

    Steve Vang
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    [RS3] Selling my old runescape account. He's level 171, 70 def, has 95 pray for turmoil, 99 attack, 99 str, 98 hp, and 95 mage. Range is still low, 85. But still, he's almost maxed melee for 70 def turmoil prod. He's not member and doesn't have much bank. Basically, it's just buying the account. I've quit runescape one or two years ago and just looking to get rid of this for some extra change. Selling for $50 paypal. Facebook me or email me:[email protected]
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    Jagjot Singh

    Jagjot Singh
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    Ali Kënzo

    Ali Kënzo
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    still selling this?
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    Steve Vang

    Steve Vang
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