Sold RS3 Max CapeMain|3020+Ttl|180+QP|120Att|114Str|120Def|120Rang|120Mag|150Invent|Pets [ChicksA1002091]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 7/3/22.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 138

    Total Level: 3020+

    Quest Points: 180+

    Achievements: 1150+

    Featured Quests: Jack of Spades, Plague’s End, Temple of Senntisten, Desert Treasure

    Featured Items: Max Cape, Grace of the Elves, TokHaar-Kal-Mej, Blood Amulet of Fury, Ring of Death, Armour Spikes, Split Dragontooth Necklace, Spring Cleaner 9001, Charms, Illuminated Book of Balance, Overloads, Springs, Renewals, Gizmos, Augmented Ancient Defender, Augmented Ancient Repriser, Augmented Custom-fit Trimmed Spiked Masterwork Platebody, Augmented Custom-fit Trimmed Spiked Masterwork Platelegs, Augmented Enhanced Excalibur, Augmented Mattock of Time and Space, Augmented Anceitn Lantern, Lucky Chaotic Staff, Lucky Bandos Tassets

    Legendary, Boss & Skill pets: Prototype Colossus, Dave, Steve, Pete, Gavin, Lana, Bill, Chick'arra, K'rill Tinyroth, General Awwdor, Comander Miniana, Nexterminator, Barry, Ellie, King Black Dragonling, Legio Primulus, Vindiddy, Rawrvek, Bisdi, Gordie, Malcolm, Crabbe, Ralph, Woddy, Sifu, Kangali, Wallace, Morty, Sparky, Newton, Archie

    Loyalty Points: 581k

    Runecoins: 37





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