Sold RS3 Max Cape Main |2920+Total |400+QP |109 Slay |110 Herb| killing Outfits | Rare Pets [ChicksJ2586]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 12/23/22.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 138
    Total Level: 2929
    Quest Points: 403
    Achievements: 1899
    Featured Quests: Desert Treasure, The Jack of Spades, The Light Within, Plague's End, The Temple At Senntisten
    Featured Items: Hooded Max Cape, Augmented Masterwork Platebody, Augmented Masterwork Platelegs, Masterwork Gloves,
    Augmented Upgraded Bone Blowpipe, Augmented Orb of the Cywir Elders, Augmented Wand of the Cywir Elders, Lucky Bandos Helmet, Lucky off-hand Chaotic Rapier, Lucky Chaotic Spear, Lucky Chaotic Longsword, Lucky Zamorak Godsword, Lucky Chaotic Rapier, Skilling Outfits, Spring Cleaner 9001, Illuminated Book, Charms, Grace of the Elves
    Legendary, Boss & Skill Pets: Bloodpouncer, Molly, Ramsay, Gemi, Willow, Gordie, Brains, Bubbles, Malcolm, Rocky, Crabbe, Ralph, Woody, Sifu, Kangali, Wallace, Morty, Shamini, Archie
    Loyalty Points: 528K
    Runecoins: 132

    If you'd like more information regarding this account, just send us a message!

    IMPORTANT: Please do not contact Jagex as they will disable the account due to the IP change.




    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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