Sold RS3 Main | 3108 T | 413 QP | 120 Invention | 120 Slayer | 120 Herblore | Rare Pets [ChicksA1001017]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 5/11/21.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 138
    Total Level: 3108
    Quest Points: 413
    Featured Quests: Sliske's Endgame, The Light Within, Jack of Spades, Plague’s End, River of Blood, Temple of Senntisten, Desert Treasure
    Featured Items: Augmented Ascension Crossbow, Off-hand Ascension Crossbow, Elite Sirenic Hauberk,
    Elite Sirenic Chaps, Imcando Mattock,Vengeful Kiteshield, Amulet of Souls, Ring of Death, Demonhorn Necklace,
    Spring Cleaner, Springs, Charms, Grace of the Elves
    Pets: Bloodpouncer, Prototype Colossus, Shadow Drake, K'rill Tinyroth, Commander Miniana, King Black Dragonling, Queen Black Dragonling, Mega Ducklings, Willow, Rocky, Wallace, Morty, Archie




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