Sold RS3 Main|1878 Total|160 QP|92 Att|99Strength|99 Def|85 Range|99 Magic|99 Woodcutting[ChicksA1001140]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 6/23/21.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 129
    Total Level: 1878
    Quest Points: 160
    Featured Items: Reaper Necklace, Split Dragontooth Necklace, Charming Imp
    Pets: Morty

    Terms of Service
    Chicks Gold insurance will protect you if by the slim chance your product has been recovered, you will be entitled o a full refund of the value of the account or a replacement for an account around the same value. Our insurance only covers recoveries by the original owner.
    third party programs, in-game behaviour, gold selling, account sharing, or any form of negligence is not covered.
    The account must remain in a secure, company email which has limited access. You may request a change of email but this results in our insurance being voided as we cannot conduct a full investigation.





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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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