Selling  Level 120+  Total Level 1500-2000 RS3 Main | 1874 Total |93 QP|90 Att|90 Str|92 Def|64 Range| 68 Mage| 60 Slay [ChicksJ2001254]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 11/9/21.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 127
    Total Level: 1874
    Quest Points: 93
    Achievements: 411
    Featured Quests: Jack of Spades, Temple of Senntisten, Desert Treasure
    Featured Items: Grace of the Elves, Amulet of Souls, Augmented Custom-fit Trimmed Masterwork Platebody, Custom-fit trimmed masterwork Helm, Scripture of Wen, Ring of Death, Augmented Custom-fit Trimmed Masterwork Platelegs, Custom-fit trimmed masterwork Boots, Custom-fit trimmed masterwork Gloves, Charming Imp, Overload, Renewal, Sprin Cleaner, Crimson/Green/Gold/Blue/Abyssal Charm
    Legendary, Boss & Skill pets: Scales, Herbert
    Loyalty Points: 500





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