Buying   RS3 Account with King Raddallin 2 hand sword override

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Joshyboy2997, 7/11/23.

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  1. Joshyboy2997

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    My Location:
    Lost_sword_of_King_Raddallin_equipped.png 6cQYF7m.png 20130726180017!Colossus_(override)_icon.png

    I am looking for an RS3 account with the "King Raddallin 2h Sword" or King Raddallin swords etc.
    Please see attached photos above for what i am looking for in terms of wording to search for the item easier. Since it can get a bit confusing. Please read the explanation of the items below as well for more information on their origins i guess.

    Plus i am also looking for the Colossus Armor Override as well on the account.
    Though the main reason for the account is for the sword. It'll raise the price if the account has the Colossus Armor Override as well.

    Here is the explanation of the items below since its slight more complex than expected:

    i believe it was an event item from 2015. called the Lost sword of King Raddallin. It was definitely obtainable by F2P methods that way. but there was a treasure hunter cosmetic version of it (The swords are named "King Raddallin" 2h sword) during a treasure hunt of that period of time as well which is the image above is talking about. Either version of it is acceptable though i would prefer it as the treasure hunter version.

    The colossus armor override was a Solomon General Store item starting from 2013 to idk when. but it was free for premium back in september of 2021.

    Price is # for sure since it all depends how much effort, love, care, time, etc. that went into the account as well. I do not want to rip off anyone nor be ripped off myself. That is the reason why i didn't list a price.

    So thanks for reading this!
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