WTS/WTT Full rrr9 Female seeker with two armor +7 and Two armor +10 as well as a +11 weapon with 2 Garnet gems. She also has full inventory and bank as well as g14 elemental Cube neck +10, Sign of Frost:Chaos ring +11 with +10 vit engrave. 71/100 LP genie, Wings of cloud charger cape +6 4 soc with cit gems, G16 Helm +7, all gears are sharded with +50 hp shards(all gears bound). She has a bound Eldritch Darkmoth flyer. Seeker Self-buffed (no tome, no blessing) Stats: HP: 14,799 MP: 1,845 P.Attk: 15,259-18,277 P.Def: 17,671 M.Def: 6,849 Crit: 30% Attk Lvl: 93 Def Lvl:74 Level 102/96 (only first RB) Stat Points with all gears on are: 95 Vit, 15 Mag, 557 Str, 164 Dex NOTE: Seeker is only 1st rb lvl 96 so she will have better stats when she is 2nd rb. I am interested in selling for in game trade of an emperor or dominance tome + coins, or in game coins, or offers USD only. NO other trades will be considered so please don't waste my time. Getting rid of her because I don't have the time or patience to work on another rb and I would Like to finish my Main char's acct. Update: Seeker is now lvl 98 as I am still actively leveling her. Update: Seeker is now lvl 100 rb1 with many B and 1 A card and I have upgraded 5 of her sharding to +75 hp