Sold RR6 GL cheap endgame account with 8 SS tier Urs and all non-limited URs

Discussion in 'War of the Visions FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lynardpaul, 8/6/21.

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  1. Lynardpaul

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    Good day everyone! I hope all of you are doing fine. I want to know if there is anyone interested in having my account.

    I have invested on the account and wanted to continue playing but due to urgent health issues I would really need funds to help me in this ordeal.

    ROYAL rank 6 with 16k+ free vis
    38 URs
    Yuna 120 with Bahamuth
    Tidus and Gilga 120
    Black Helena almost 120

    2B, Valentine Salire, Emo Sterne, Duane and almost all non limited units except the latest water waifu

    You can message me in Discord for inquiries
    Discord: Powpowzzzzz#2397

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    #1 Lynardpaul, 8/6/21
    Last edited: 8/6/21
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