Selling RR100 WE (Gardeniaa) (on norn server) RR+70 ZE (on...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/18/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

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    RR100 WE (Gardeniaa) (on norn server) RR+70 ZE (on badlands server) RR+60 SORC (on badlands server) RR70 AM (on norn server) RR64 34 LVL RP (on norn server) Gardeniaa's have; 5 pieces warp forged 3 pieces glyph 2 pieces 100 lvl sc weapon 1 absorb pocket 1000 Gold order chars on norn have 400 gold destro chars on badlands have 400 gold I am waiting for the offers. If you are interested in "RR 86 Chosen. RR 82.9 Choppa ""Want to sell a nice little account with lots of gear attached and loads of room for progression. The account comes with 2 year veterans rewards (fairly close to third year) and also has Booster pet entitlements." Chosen RR86 Currently on Karak Norn server Full Off Soveriegn Full Def Soveriegn 3 Glyphs and back piece Fleet Stag mantle 4 items of Doomflayer in vault (gloves RR81 Two hander purple LOTD two hander purple LOTD one handers Blue RR83 Shield and one hander Vulture lord two hander sword Vulture lord Shield +loads of other weapons and gear (lost vale weapons Currently on Doomflayer insignia cycle Choppa RR82.9 Currently on Badlands server Full Off Soveriegn Full Def Soveriegn Full Glyph set (4 glyphs and back piece) Fleet stag mantle FUNERY SHROUD OF KHUTEP (removes hex RR81 weapon 3 items of Doomflayer 2 Items of Warpforged Around 200 gold on this character Again Currently on Doomflayer insignia cycle. PM me with offers." "WTS/WTT rr100 BO ""Hello I would like to sell/trade the following account" Main toon: rr100 BO - Just insane tank - with 13k wounds and tons of surviability [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? 4/5 Defensive DF (missing shoulders) 8/8 Offensive Sov 8/8 Defensive Sov rr98 Shield Lots of blue items.. Buyable jewelery GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
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